
Joining the Midlands Early Music Forum enables you to:

  • find out what’s going on in the area.
    We send out regular Newsletters to members, including news, reviews, articles and a diary of events, as well as information about other early music events and services. If it’s happening, we’ll tell you about it. Communications are by email where  possible, otherwise by post.
  • participate in workshops on a wide range of early music topics.
    We engage tutors of the highest reputation for our highly-acclaimed workshops. Members receive early notice of events (booking forms go out about six weeks in advance) so that they can be first in line for places, and discounts on our already-reasonable entry fees.
  • contact other like-minded members.
    Our regularly-updated membership list will allow you to locate members in your immediate area, or members who share your specific interest. If you want to start a small choir, join a dance group, learn to play the spinet or find a local crumhorn maker, this is the place to start.
  • advertise for free.
    Members are able to place free personal (or discounted cost for commercial) advertisements in our newsletter, so you can advertise instruments for sale, plug performances in which you are involved or grow your quartet into a quintet.
  • borrow an instrument.
    We have a small stock of loan instruments available for you to try to see how you get on with it before buying one of your own.


Individual membership is just £10 per year.

Student membership is free.

Group membership is £20 per organisation per year. This includes mailings to a single address, and entitles two people from your group to attend each workshop at member rates.


There are two ways to join:  you can either  complete the application form below, or download an application form to print out and post, with a cheque payable to “MEMF”,  to the MEMF Membership Secretary, 101 Marston Road, Stafford, ST16 3BX.

Please read our Privacy Policy before completing the form.

Online Application

Before you submit the form below please pay  £10 (individual)/£20 (group) – unless you are a student –  by Bank Transfer or PayPal.

Bank Transfer –  to Midlands Early Music Forum,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sort code: 56 00 69             Account No: 61179698           Reference: SUBS + your surname

Overseas payments                                                                                                                                                                                                                        IBAN: GB63NWBK56006961179698         BIC: NWBKGB2L

PayPal  – go to and pay using the reference SUBS + your SURNAME.
Please send as a ‘friends and family’ payment NOT ‘goods or services’, to prevent charges being deducted from your payment.

Please contact us if you have any questions or problems.

Application form

We believe the previous problem with the application form is now resolved – if you have any problems please use the Contact Form to let us know.

    Your Voice

    Type of membership requested

    [group student-questions]


    [group organisation-questions]
