Here for your convenience you can find a list of events in our region not organised by MEMF which may be of interest to you. Whilst we have made every effort to be accurate, we suggest that you check details on the websites or phone numbers provided.
If you are aware of an event which is not listed here, please contact the Newsletter Editor
You might like to also visit the brilliant Early Music Website at where you will find nationwide events organized into categories to assist your search.
And the Continuo Foundation’s new digital hub – a comprehensive concert finder of early music events (by region) across the UK – is at https://www.continuoconnect
Diary of Events in the Midlands
# Denotes an online event
Recent additions in Red
Sat 03: Father and Son – George Ross (cello), Alastair Ross (harpsichord)
Music by Geminiani, A Scarlatti and JS Bach. 3pm at the Old Baptist Chapel, Church Street, Tewkesbury GL20 5RZ. Tickets from Eventbrite/John Moore Museum Tewkesbury. Information 01684 850112
Sun 04: Lute music played by Nick Gravestock in the 1620’s House, Manor Rd, Donington le Heath, Coalville LE67 2FW. One entrance ticket lasts all year.
Sun 11: Bach and Handel at Fotheringay – Fiori Musicali. 6pm in St Mary’s and All Saints, Fotheringay, Peterborough, PE8 5HZ
Sat 24: Vialles Greate and Small – the origins of the viol consort – concert by the Linarol Viol Consort. 3pm in St Martin in the Cornmarket, Worcester. Part of their music festival here.
Sun 01: Lute music played by Nick Gravestock in the 1620’s House, Manor Rd, Donington le Heath, Coalville LE67 2FW. One entrance ticket lasts all year.
Thurs 12: Masters of Imitation from Lassus & Josquin to Chilcott – The Sixteen Choral Pilgrimage. 7.30 in Hereford Cathedral.
Fri 13: Voces8 sing in the Forum Theatre, Malvern at 7.30. May not be any early music
Sat 14: Masters of Imitation from Lassus & Josquin to Chilcott – The Sixteen Choral Pilgrimage. 3pm in Tewkesbury Abbey. Plus workshop 9.30 – 12.30 in Tewkesbury Parish Hall.
#Online Music and Talks
Early Music Sources – a reminder of the wonderful series of illustrated talks by Elam Rotem, the latest being about Early Basso Continuo, to be found on YouTube at
Sands Film studio is a Theatre, Cinema and Music Room. They developed live streaming during the Pandemic and have continued with a mixture of live and online concerts, many of them Early Music, films and theatre. All performances are free, but donations are requested. Sign up to their mailing list at
The Following have many videos on YouTube:
Stile Antico –
Armonico Consort
The Gesualdo Six
I Fagiolini
Fretwork Viol Consort
The Academy of Ancient Music
Wigmore Hall has an archive of live streamed concerts at Occasionally new ones appear on a Monday morning if you’re signed up. Free but donations requested.
City Lit offers an extensive programme of online music history and music appreciation courses with a focus on Western classical music, Folk, Jazz, Rock and Pop, also many singing courses, There are new topics each year, some of them Early Music:
Choral Chihuahua regular new episodes since the last Newsletter of chats between Robert Hollingworth and Eamonn Dougan and recently Nicholas Mulroy, about an hour long. Find the latest (and previous) episodes at Free but donations requested.