The MEMF Newsletter is published five times a year, usually in February, April, July, September and November, and is now digital and in colour. Those without email receive it by post in A5 format.
It contains workshop reviews and articles of interest, trade advertisements and an extensive diary of early music events in the Midlands area, Courses and Summer Schools.
Advertising, diary entries and inserts
Members may place small (non-trade) advertisements free of charge. Trade advertisements are charged as below with a 3 for 2 discount.
Diary listings about future events of interest to our members (concerts, courses, summer schools etc.) are listed in the newsletter free of charge.
- £20 for a whole page (A5 portrait)
- £10 for a half page (A6 landscape)
- £5 for a quarter page
- smaller sizes by request
Pictures and logos can be reproduced. Artwork should be provided as preferably jpg or png image.
Inserts (brochures, leaflets and flyers)
Inserts can be included in our Postal mailings with a few to put out at Workshops. They are charged according to weight:
- Up to 20g: £10
- 21-35g: £15
- Over 35g: £20
Contact the Newsletter Editor to contribute or for further information.