BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Midlands Early Music Forum - ECPv6.4.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Midlands Early Music Forum X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Midlands Early Music Forum REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20180325T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20181028T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20190331T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20191027T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20200329T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20201025T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20210328T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20211031T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20220327T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20221030T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20230326T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20231029T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20240331T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20241027T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240113T103000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240113T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20231018T194701Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240102T151227Z SUMMARY:The Battle of Lepanto: workshop with Tutor Gawain Glenton on 13th January 2024 DESCRIPTION:The Battle of Lepanto took place on October 7th\, 1571. This colossal naval battle pitted the combined forces of Europe’s Catholic states (under the overall command of Don Juan of Austria) against the Ottoman Empire and resulted in a major defeat of the Ottoman fleet. Galleys came from Spain\, Genoa\, The Papal States\, Savoy\, Tuscany and elsewhere. The Venetians were the dominant presence however\, providing more than twice as many galleys as any other member of the Holy League. \nFor Venetians the battle of Lepanto became the defining military victory of the era and was celebrated for decades to come – in part because a decisive victory of this magnitude was rather unexpected. It was used as a major propaganda coup and was self-consciously built into the Venetian myth. \nThe focus of the annual celebrations was a procession (or andata) to the church of Santa Giustina culminating in a Mass of thanksgiving. Several Venetian composers wrote large-scale music for this event\, including Giovanni Croce\, Andrea Gabrieli\, Claudio Merulo and Giovanni Bassano. This workshop will explore this fascinating aspect of Venetian musical culture. \nThis workshop is for singers of all voice types\, plus cornetts\, sackbuts\, dulcians and string instruments. Recorder players are welcome\, but should be prepared to also sing and/or play a different instrument. A = 440. \nThe Tutor Gawain Glenton is a specialist cornetto player whose work as a soloist and an ensemble musician takes him all over the world. He is a member and co-director of the English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble and also a popular workshop Tutor. \nMusic will be provided on the day. \n  \n  \nThe Venue Trinity Church ( ST16 2BZ\, is a spacious modern building in Stafford town centre. The main church space\, where the workshop will take place\, is on the first floor; a lift is available. The church website includes a link to a map. The church is a ten-minute walk from Stafford railway station. \nDetails of town car parks can be found here and here. Note that some car parks are pay-by-phone only. The church has a small number of parking spaces (about 8); these will be available for those bringing bulky instruments or those with limited mobility. Please telephone or message Tim Boardman if you would like to make use of one of these spaces\, and please try to car-share where possible. Tim’s mobile: 07794 837396. \nPlease note: There are extensive roadworks and diversions in operation around Stafford centre that will continue well into 2024. If you wish to use the long stay Doxey Road car park (no. 13a on the Borough Council map) it is currently accessible from Chell Road by car\, but may not be on the 13th. From the A34 north of the town centre follow the new link road (Pans Road) signposted Telford A518. At the first roundabout take the first exit into the car park\, by Sainsbury’s. Currently\,Trinity Church can be accessed via Chell Road/Broad Street. If there are any changes in the interim affecting access to the church\, I shall post an update on this page. \nNB There is also a small independent car park on Mount Street\, immediately behind Trinity Church: SIP Car Parks Limited Sheridan Centre Mount Street Stafford ST16 2BZ. Charge is £5 for the day. It does tend to fill up quite early\, but may be worth a try as it is cheap and convenient. \nBooking is now open – please scroll down for the booking form. URL: LOCATION:Trinity Church\,Stafford CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231202T103000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231202T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20230612T135759Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231128T180022Z SUMMARY:Angels and Shepherds: Christmas workshop with Philip Thorby on Saturday 2nd December 2023 DESCRIPTION:Angelus ad Pastores \nThis year we have invited Philip to tutor our pre-Christmas workshop. Philip has found some wonderful music on the theme of Angels and Shepherds in the Christmas story. There will be music by Christoph Buehl\, Hans Leo Hassler\, Johann Hermann Schein and Agostini Soderini. \nThe angels are generally\, well\, angelic\, but the shepherds are revealed as zither-strumming\, boisterous and (as depicted by Schein) initially very grumpy at being woken up by the heavenly host. \nThe workshop will be for voices\, violins\, viols\, cornetts\, sackbuts\, curtals\, recorders and continuo. The pitch will be A440. Tenor viol players/violas please note that most  pieces have octave-treble rather than alto clef parts. \nInstrumentalists please bring a labelled music stand. \n\n \nPhilip Thorby is one of our most popular and respected tutors. He specialises in early Italian Music. Many people will have seen his wonderful Zoom lectures during the lockdown period\, which are still available to watch on this website. \n  \n  \n  \nVenue is Solihull Methodist Church\, next to the Railway station SatNav B91 1LG. There is a large car park with the entrance in Station Approach. \nNB: If approaching from the west along Blossomfield Road\, please note that recent road layout changes mean there is no left turn into Station Approach. Either go completely around the roundabout and then turn right into Station Approach\, or take the first exit at the roundabout into Streetsbrook Road and then turn left into the opposite end of Station Approach at the traffic lights. \nBooking is now closed. URL: LOCATION:Solihull Methodist Church\, Bossomfield Road\,\, Solihull\, B91 1LD\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Continuo,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230923T103000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230923T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20230814T115749Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230814T120111Z SUMMARY:Baroque String Workshop with Oliver Webber 23rd September 2023 DESCRIPTION:A journey from England to Germany and Italy for violins\, violas\, cellos\, double bass/violone\, viols and theorbo.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe composers on the menu for today’s workshop represent a variety of styles of the late Baroque period. Johann Christoph Pez (1664-1716)\, a German composer from Munich\, was heavily influenced by the French style of Jean-Baptiste Lully. His Suite in D minor is a perfect example of Lully’s style. Henry Purcell (1659-1695) remains one of the greatest English composers. The instrumental pieces in his semi-operas\, such as King Arthur\, offer a delightful variety of quintessentially English dances. Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) is famous for having written literally hundreds of concertos for solo instruments. Perhaps less well known are his concertos for strings\, with no solo instrument\, in which he delights in the rich sonorities of the string orchestra. Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) was one of the most prolific and eclectic composers of the late Baroque. He wrote for many different combinations of instruments incorporating French and Italian styles as well as folk traditions from eastern Europe. We will be playing the Lustige Suite which is largely French in conception with an overture and a suite of dances\, but with a few distinctive quirks of its own. \nMusic will be provided.   Please bring a labelled music stand and your own mug \n \nThe Tutor: Oliver Webber is a baroque violinist from London with three decades of experience in the field. He is the director of the Monteverdi string band\, specialists in ensemble music of the 17th century\, and appears regularly with the London Handel Players and the Gonzaga Band. Among  other posts\, he has been a principal player and occasional guest leader of Gabrieli (Consort) for around 20 years\, in the process helping the orchestra explore aspects of historical performance such as all gut stringing and use of the French bow hold. He teaches baroque violin and viola at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama where he also runs classes on ornamentation for instrumentalists and singers. He complements his teaching and performing with research\, editing\, translation and string making. In his spare time he enjoys cycling\, watching cricket\, and reading about European late antiquity. \n  \n  \nVenue   St. Nicholas Church\, St. Nicholas Church Street\, Warwick CV34 4JD is located on the southern edge or Warwick – adjacent to St Nicholas Park and opposite the south entrance to the castle. \nThere is no church car park\, but St Nicholas Park car park (CV34 4QY) is directly behind the church\, accessed via the A425 Banbury Road. This is a ‘pay and display’ car park 7 days a week. The maximum charge is £7.00. Payment is by card or the RingGo App. \nWarwick station is less than 10 mins walk away. From the exit walk to the Coventry Road and turn right. At St John’s junction at the traffic lights\, cross straight ahead towards St John’s Museum. Turn right into St Nicholas Church Street – the church is on the left at the end of this road. \nNeither MEMF or the venue can accept any responsibility for property lost or damaged \n  \nBooking is now open – please scroll down. URL: LOCATION:St Nicholas Church Warwick\, St Nicholas Church Street\, Warwick\, CV34 4JD\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A415,Strings END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230909T103000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230910T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20221203T202546Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230831T163320Z SUMMARY:William Byrd weekend- two workshops 9th & 10th September with Alison Kinder & Helen Charlston (9th only) + AGM DESCRIPTION:To mark the 400th anniversary of William Byrd’s death we present two individual workshops this weekend and a short concert on Saturday at 5.30 pm. \nThe MEMF  AGM will take place in the lunch break on the Sunday. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSaturday 9th September 2023\nPsalms\, Songs and Sonnets of 1588\nwith Tutors Alison Kinder and Helen Charlston \nThis workshop is the first of MEMF’s celebratory Byrd weekend and will focus on small-scale pieces for voices and instruments. This day is for viols\, low recorders (especially basses\, great- and contra- basses) and voices\, and will focus on pieces from the ‘Psalms\, Songs and Sonnets’ of 1588. Pitch A=440 \nThe Music is likely to include Blessed Is He\, All As A Sea\, Though Amaryllis Dance\, but will be chosen to best suit the forces available once applications have closed. We will spend time all together\, but also have access to a couple of breakout rooms where instrumentalists will be able to work on a consort song with Helen singing. The day will finish with an informal mini-concert to include pieces we have worked on. \nIn addition\, you are invited to submit for performance at the mini concert a piece of Byrd (or Weelkes) prepared in advance\, for any forces (so a viol fantasy\, consort song\, madrigal…).  Please email Jill Davies ( before 6 September if you would like to offer a piece for the concert.  Friends and relatives are welcome to attend at 5.30 pm. \nSunday 10th September 2023\nWilliam Byrd on a Grand Scale\nThe Sunday workshop is for everyone – Singers\, viols\, recorders\, brass\, double reeds\, anything at pitch A=440 – and will be Tutored by Alison Kinder. Everyone is welcome singing or playing as we celebrate this masterful composer. \nThe Music\nByrd – The Great Service (Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis)\nByrd – Domine Quis Habitabit a9\nWe thought that as Thomas Weelkes shares Byrd’s anniversary\, we ought to allow him a piece as well!  So we will include a Weelkes anthem – either ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’\, or ‘O Lord Arise’ \nMusic will be provided on the day.        Instrumentalists please bring a labelled music stand \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTheTutors \n \nSince winning the London Handel Singing Competition in 2018\, Helen Charlston has crafted a place for herself at the forefront of the classical music scene in the UK and abroad. A founder participant of the Rising Star of the Enlightenment programme\, she regularly works alongside the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. She is a BBC New Generation Artist (2021-23) and recently won the 2023 BBC Music Magazine Vocal Awards.\n \n  \n  \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlison Kinder is a viol player with Chelys Consort of Viols\, who this year released a recording of consort songs and instrumental music by William Byrd with Helen singing. Alison is a regular tutor for the various early music fora and on courses including the Easter Early Music Course and NORVIS. She is also a member of the Linarol Consort\, who play on a set of viols copied from the earliest surviving viol\, made in Italy by Francesco Linarolo in about 1540. Alison has a love of working with singers\, and one of her favourite places to be is as the viol player for the female polyphonic ensemble Musica Secreta.\n\n \n\n\n\nVenue: Knowle Village Hall is 1.5 miles away from the M42 Junction 5 and approximately 3.5 miles to the east of Solihull town centre.  Nearby bus stops provide frequent transport links to Solihull Station and Dorridge Station. \n  \nBooking is now open – please scroll down\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n  URL: LOCATION:Knowle Village Hall\, St John’s Close\, Knowle\, Solihull\, B93 0NN\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Continuo,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230603T103000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230603T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20221203T201818Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230508T181043Z SUMMARY:Sweelink and Scheidt with George Parris on 3rd June 2023 DESCRIPTION:We are delighted to welcome George Parris having had to cancel his planned workshop in the Spring. \nThis workshop  celebrates the figurehead of the Netherlands’ ‘golden age’: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621). Primarily known as the organist of the city’s Oude Kerk — where his improvisations earned him the nickname among his contemporaries as the Orpheus of Amsterdam — Sweelinck was prolific across other genres including chansons\, madrigals\, and motets. In this workshop we will combine instruments and voices to perform one of his crowning glories\, the 5-part Magnificat\, along with one of his 153 settings of the Pseaumes of the Genevan Psalter in which Sweelinck mixes grand sacred gestures with colourful madrigalian writing. \n \n  \nForemost among Sweelinck’s many pupils was Samuel Scheidt (1587-1684) from Halle\, a key figure in late-Renaissance/early-Baroque music\, who studied with Sweelinck between 1608-9. The Orpheus of Amsterdam’s influence is still prevalent in one of Scheidt’s most sublime motets for eight voices\, Christ lag in Todesbanden\, from 1620. It will be a day of glorious music and hopefully some new discoveries for everyone\, both musically and linguistically! \nThe workshop is for double SATB choir\, strings/viols\, cornetti\, sackbutts\, 2 x chamber organs and theorbo (A=440) \nGeorge Parris grew up in deepest South Warwickshire and now works as a professional singer\, the Founder and Artistic Director of The Carice Singers (named after Elgar’s daughter)\, an Associate Conductor of Ex Cathedra and one of the Co-Artistic Directors of the Aurore Renaissance Music Festival in Helsinki\, Finland. He has degrees in Music from the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford and studied Conducting at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki between 2017-2020. As a singer he has been trained in early music and ensemble singing\, performed contemporary choral works with the Helsinki Chamber Choir and has appeared as a soloist alongside the Helsinki and Finnish Baroque Orchestras in works by Stradella\, Purcell and Gilles. \nSolihull Methodist Church is close to the centre of Solihull\, at the junction of Blossomfield Rd and Station Approach.  It is right next to Solihull Railway Station\, which is also served by buses. If coming by car\, use postcode B91 1LG for your satnav; there is plenty of parking.  The hall is a separate building to the church and is clearly signed. \nRefreshments are served from 10 am. \nBooking is now open. URL: LOCATION:Solihull Methodist Church Hall\, Blosssomfield Road\, Solihull\, B91 1LG\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A440,Continuo,Loud wind,Strings,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230520T103000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230520T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20221203T201141Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230513T174749Z SUMMARY:The Sacred Music of Giovanni Battista Casali in C18 Rome with Peter Leech on 20th May 2023 DESCRIPTION:EXPLORING GIOVANNI BATTISTA CASALI (1715-1792) \nRome in the eighteenth century\, far from being the backwater described in many scholarly narratives\, was a cosmopolitan melting pot of cultural influences from all over Europe\, where the palaces and private chapels of Cardinals from widespread lands resonated to the sound of instrumental and vocal music composed by the city’s numerous permanent or itinerant maestri. Likewise\, Rome’s churches resounded with contemporary concertato choral settings in addition to the stile antico repertory perpetuated in the Sistine Chapel and papal basilicas. Depending on where they were employed\, church composers had to be adept with many different techniques\, whether in the form of imitative Palestrinian polyphony (though with much longer and more daring melodic constructs than would have been acceptable in the late 1500s)\, grand polychoral designs (often with orchestral accompaniment)\, or quasi-operatic\, multi-movement masses akin to those performed in other European Catholic capitals such as Vienna\, Madrid and Lisbon. \nIn the anglophone world\, most of the church composers active in Rome after the death of Alessandro Scarlatti (1725) are unknown\, unresearched and unperformed. Their music manuscripts languish in thousands of volumes held by Rome’s music archives\, just waiting to be explored. One such composer is Giovanni Battista Casali\, maestro at S Giovanni in Laterano and the Chiesa Nuova (with additional connections to many other churches) who is mentioned by countless scholars as a leading mid-century composer\, teacher\, and organist\, yet few of his works are known (even in Rome today)\, other than a handful of motets and one or two masses. In the S Giovanni archives alone there are over 500 works attributed to him. \nThis workshop will explore a variety of settings by Casali\, including unaccompanied motets for Lent and Advent\, concertato Vespers psalms for organ and basso continuo (often with virtuoso solo content) and polychoral works. It will be a showcase of the breadth and depth of Casali’s contribution to sacred music in Rome\, a field in which the workshop leader Peter Leech has been immersed for the better part of 20 years. \nWe will be performing with voices and bass instruments. \n \nPeter Leech is a musician with diverse skills and interests\, including late sixteenth-century continental polyphony\, Catholic court musicians in seventeenth-century England\, early Russian Orthodox church music\, seventeenth-century instrumental music and the music of late Georgian and early nineteenth-century English composers. He has over 30 years experience as a choral and orchestral conductor\, composer and musicologist. \nThe Venue   Barnt Green is on the B4120 off the A441 Birmingham to Redditch road and close to junction 2 of the M42. There is limited parking at the church\, but plenty of street parking. Refreshments served from 10.00. \nThe station is a five minute walk away. \nBooking is now open – see below. URL: LOCATION:Barnt Green Church Hall\, The Parish Centre\, Sandhills Road\, Barnt Green\, Birmingham\, B45 8NR\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A440,Strings,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230225T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230225T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20221203T185542Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230120T195311Z SUMMARY:The Noodle Factory with Paula Chateauneuf on 25th February 2023 DESCRIPTION:The Noodle Factory is a gentle introduction to the art of improvisation\, ornamentation and decoration in the manner of the great 16th- and 17th-century Improvisation Masters. \nSome people think one needs to be born with an ‘Improvisation Gene’ to be able to extemporise\, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.  All that’s required is to learn some basic techniques which can be ‘plugged in’ to a given situation.  16th- and 17th-century writers recognised this\, and their fascinating improvisation manuals contain all the materials you could ever need or want to learn to improvise\, and expand your ear and musical imagination.  This workshop will be a taster session for anyone who would like to try their hand at doing some early improvisation – it’s very informal and no prior improvisation or early music experience is necessary to take part.  However this course is designed to be inclusive – more experienced improvisers are also welcome and will benefit just as much. \nThe day will consist of various sessions during which different aspects of early improvisation will be covered\, starting with a brief introduction to each subject.  We’ll explore the materials in 16th- and 17th-century manuals and how to use them practically\, and then apply those techniques to learn to extemporize on ground basses\, create variations on popular tunes\, and add your own graces and ornamentation to pre-composed pieces.  There will be both solo and ensemble opportunities.  Improvisation enhances\, intensifies\, and ‘seasons’ performances\, and helps you to make a piece your own.  Singers and instrumentalists are welcome (Pitch A+440) – come along and dip your toe in the water! \nThe Tutor: Paula Chateauneuf’s playing has been described as “one of the most exciting things on the pre-classical concert circuit”.  A Fulbright Scholar to London\, she soon established herself there as one of early music’s leading soloists and ensemble players and became the linchpin of numerous groups including the Gabrieli Consort\, New London Consort and Sinfonye.  She has also performed with the Academy of Ancient Music\, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment\, English Concert\, His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts\, Handel and Haydn Society\, Avison Ensemble\, De Nederlandse Bachvereniging\, and Jordi Savall’s Le Concert des Nations. \nPaula’s repertoire spans medieval music to the baroque\, with particular expertise in early improvisation and the music of early 17th-century Italy.  Her knowledge and skill in the art of basso continuo has made her one of the most sought-after accompanists in early music\, resulting in fruitful collaborations with many leading singers.  Her wealth of experience in early opera has led to involvement as both repetiteur and continuo player for numerous international opera houses\, including Bayerische Staatsoper\, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino\, Royal Opera House\, English National Opera\, and Glyndebourne Festival Opera. \nVenue Dorridge Village Hall is at the end of a driveway (with a height barrier) off the B4101 between Dorridge and Hockley Heath and is easy to reach from the M42.. The satnav is not pinpoint accurate so when you get near look for :the following: \nFrom Hockley Heath\, the driveway to the Hall is the first right after the Railway pub\, before the “Welcome to Dorridge” signs and the start of the built-up area. \nFrom Dorridge centre\, the driveway to the Hall is the first left after Dorridge Park. If you get to the Railway pub you have gone too far. \nBooking is now open until 17th February – scroll down for the booking form. URL: LOCATION:Dorridge Village Hall\, Grange Road\, Dorridge\, B93 8QA CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20221217T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20221217T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20220910T145220Z LAST-MODIFIED:20221106T190707Z SUMMARY:Benevoli Mass for four choirs c 1650 with Robert Hollingworth DESCRIPTION:Expect a wonderful day with one of our favourite Tutors to get you in the spirit of Christmas! Robert has not told us which of Benevoli’s four masses we will be singing – he is still editing them! This is an opportunity to discover a really important figure – a lost link if you like – in the world of multi-choir music in the mid-seventeenth century: ORAZIO BENEVOLI.  We will get to know a newly edited mass for four choirs and this time (unlike so much Venetian music) the choirs are manageable by all voices so plenty of male voices please \nWe will also be singing Sweelinck’s Hodie Christus Natus Est to get us in the Christmas spirit and there will be mince pies! \nPitch =A440 suitable for strings\, recorders\, cornetts\,  sackbuts and dulcians doubling the choral parts\, and continuo including theorbo and bass instruments. \nRobert founded I Fagiolini in 1986 and has spent much of his life thinking around how to present music of a different time and context to contemporary audiences.  He has presented all the group’s signature projects but also directed the English Concert\, Academy of Ancient Music\, BBC Concert Orchestra and some of the world’s finest chamber choirs including Accentus\, NDR Chor\, BBC Singers\, RIAS Kammerchor\, Capella Cracoviensis\, VOCES8 and the Danish National Vocal Ensemble. He succeeds Mark Deller as Artistic Director for the Stour Music festival from 2020\, and is Reader in Music at the University of York where he directs ‘The 24’ and runs an MA in Solo-Voice Ensemble Singing.  During lockdown he created and presented ‘Sing The Score’ on Youtube and the podcast ‘Choral Chihuahua’ with Eamonn Dougan and Harry Christophers.  He likes Monteverdi and Monty Python.  \nBooking is now open.. URL: LOCATION:St Philip’s Church Centre\, Dorridge\, B93 8DX CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Continuo,Recorders,Strings,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20221022T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20221022T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20220815T193121Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220913T202255Z SUMMARY:Songs of Love and Death - the music of Leonhard Lechner Athesinus with Philip Thorby DESCRIPTION:Philip Thorby is one of our most popular tutors and has again found some wonderful music by a composer most of us will have never heard of. This year it is a one day workshop so that members who could previously never commit to a whole weekend can take part. \nAll singers and the following instruments are welcome – recorders\, cornetts\, sackbuts\, curtals\, viols\, violins and continuo (with figured bass). Pitch will be A=440. \nThe fees are £20 for MEMF and other EMF members\, £25 for others. \nMusic will be provided on the day. Instrumentalists please bring a labelled music stand. \nThe Music \nThe German composer Leonhard Lechner Athesinus was born in the Italian Tyrol and was a gifted boy soprano who went on to sing tenor and study composition with Orlando di Lasso. The influence of the master is evident in the pupil\, but Lechner is very much his own man\, as demonstrated in the wonderful pieces Philip has chosen for our workshop. These include a six-part setting of a section of the funeral sentences\, a fifteen-part three-choir setting of Laudate Dominum\, and the masterly and splendid 24-part setting of a Latin verse commissioned for a wedding. In keeping with the German practice of the time the singers will be supported by many varied instrumental sounds. \nDirections to Solihull School \nBy road – leave the M42 at junction 5 and onto the A41 towards Solihull. Take the first left turning towards Solihull town centre. \nTurn right at the roundabout and continue towards Solihull town centre along the Warwick Road B 4025.The school entrance is on the right at the second set of traffic lights. There is plenty of parking in front of the chapel. The David Turnbull Music Centre is a short walk beyond the car park. The barrier will be unlocked so that instrumentalists can drive to the centre to drop off instruments. \nSolihull railway centre is approximately a 1km walk through the town. \nBooking is now open. URL: LOCATION:Solihull School CATEGORIES:Continuo,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220917T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220917T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20220301T130626Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220904T201155Z SUMMARY:Schütz and his World - with Tutor Gawain Glenton DESCRIPTION:This workshop will focus on the works of Heinrich Schütz and his brilliant German 17th-century contemporaries. \nSchütz is regarded today as the leading German composer before Bach\, but there is still much we can learn about his life and world (for example his first name: he only ever signed himself Henrich). Born in Thuringia in 1582\, he received early training at the court of Moritz von Hessen-Kassel before being allowed to study for three years in Venice with Giovanni Gabrieli. This sparked in Schütz a life-long desire to incorporate the sounds and styles of Venetian music into German musical life\, a project he would take to great heights during his long tenure as kapellmeister at the court of the Elector of Saxony in Dresden. \nSchütz was not the only German composer to be inspired in this way. Michael Praetorius also wrote highly Italianate music despite never travelling south of the alps (thanks to the explosion in Venetian music printing he could educate himself in the latest styles via imported printed editions). Hans Leo Hassler meanwhile made the journey to Venice a decade before Schütz\, also studying with Gabrieli. \nMore broadly\, Schütz was just one of many gifted German kapellmeister composers who produced music of great skill and emotional depth in the appalling backdrop of the Thirty Years War which ran from 1618-48. We will also explore large-scale works by some of these\, including Hammerschmidt\, Staden and Berger. \nWe invite singers and players of renaissance strings (from the viol and violin families) and winds (in particular cornetts\, sackbuts and dulcians). Pitch A=440. Music will be provided\, but players must bring your own music stand. \n \n  \nThe Tutor – Gawain Glenton is a specialist cornetto player whose work as a soloist and an ensemble musician takes him all over the world and is a member and co-director of  the English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble. \n  \n  \nThe Venue: St Mary’s Church is in St Mary’s Place situated just off the main street (Greengate Street) accessible on foot by the side of Boots Chemist or the Ancient High House. Road access (drop-off only) off Earl Street. \nSTOP PRESS: THERE IS A TRAIN STRIKE SCHEDULED FOR THIS DAY SO PLEASE CHECK BEFORE TRAVELLING. If you have no other way to get there please get in touch with Tim Boardman on 07794 837396 and he will try and help. \nFrom Stafford Station (five minutes walk): turn left then immediately right over the river bridge\, straight on through pedestrian area between Stafford College and law courts into St Mary’s Place. Regular direct trains from Birmingham New St. \nPlease note that the church does not have its own car park. We have arranged for a limited number of parking spaces in the church close\, for those bringing bulky instruments or those with limited mobility. Please telephone or message Tim Boardman if you would like to make use of one of these spaces\, and please try to car-share where possible. Tim’s mobile: 07794 837396. \nDetails of town car parks can be found at The website includes a link to a map. Note that some car parks are pay-by-phone only. \nBooking is now open. URL: LOCATION:Collegiate Church of St Mary’s \, Stafford CATEGORIES:A440,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220521T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220521T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20220212T193746Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220414T202311Z SUMMARY:Music by Rosenmüller with Tutor William Carslake DESCRIPTION:Johann Christian Rosenmüller\n \nFollowing his early career in Leipzig\, Rosenmüller spent over twenty years in Venice where he was Maestro di Coro at the Ospedale della Pieta (like Vivaldi after him).  At the end of his career he returned to Germany and settled in Wolfenbuttel.  There is a fine blend of Italian and German styles in these appealing and approachable pieces of sacred music which  show the influence of both Corelli and Schütz.  Before emigrating to Italy in the late 1650’s Rosenmüller had already been there briefly in 1645/46 and the trip had a decisive influence on his style.  This can be heard in his two famous collections of 1648 and 1652/3\, the Kern Spruchen (Core Sayings) and Andere Kern Spruchen (other Core Sayings).  The word painting is evocative and the  sudden turns of harmony can take you by surprise!  If you don’t yet know him you’re in for a treat. \nWe will be studying   “Siehe an die Werke Gottes”\, “Lauda Jerusalem”\, “Also hat Gott” and a Magnificat \nThis is a workshop for Voices and the following Instruments: \nOne harpsichord and one chamber organ (or electronic organ) at A415  or two harpsichords at A415 and one or two theorbos.  All keyboard and theorbo players need to be comfortable reading figured bass. \nStrings with baroque set ups\, or modern instruments with gut strings and baroque bows: violins\, violas or tenor/bass viols\, baroque cellos. \nSackbuts\, cornets\, curtals and recorders are welcome. \nBill Carslake \n \nBill studied singing with David Lowe at Cambridge and Peter Alexander Wilson at Royal Scottish Academy of Music\, and orchestral conducting with Martyn Brabbins\, Jorma Panula and Ilya Musin. He was a busy bass-baritone before he decided to focus exclusively on conducting and composing. He composes music inspired by outdoor places such as Greenland and is a 2018/19 Finzi Scholar for his current composition project about Mountain Hares. He is Artistic Director of Farnborough Symphony Orchestra and Imperial College Sinfonietta and was Music Director for the Royal Ballet’s Elizabeth in 2018 and 2016. He is passionate about Renaissance and Baroque music and directs programmes for EMF forums\, Lacock Choral Courses and Benslow Music.  He is a Trustee of the Elgar Foundation. \nMusic will be provided on the day. \nInstrumentalists please bring a labelled music stand. \nPlease book below and then scroll down to make sure you have succeeded. URL: LOCATION:St Philip’s Church Centre\, Dorridge\, B93 8DX CATEGORIES:A415,brass,Continuo,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220402T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220402T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20220224T154510Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220323T172020Z SUMMARY:Purcell: Choruses from Dido and Aeneas with Tutor George Parris - CANCELLED DESCRIPTION:Sadly we have had to cancel this workshop – the small number of people who had booked were not suficient for the workshop to be practical. \nWe are sorry for this\, and hope to book George Parris for another workshop in the future. \n  URL: CATEGORIES:Continuo,Strings,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20220205T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20220205T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20211010T204723Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220111T152106Z SUMMARY:The Gabrieli Times Table with Tutor Alison Kinder DESCRIPTION:This will be an innovative multi choir day of music by Giovanni Gabrieli\, with Tutor Ali Kinder\, increasing the choir numbers as we go from 6 parts\, to 8 parts (two choirs)\, to 12 parts (three choirs) and 14 parts (three choirs) \nWe welcome all singers and instrumentalists (strings\, recorders\, reeds and brass all welcome) Pitch A=440. Fees for MEMF and other EMF members is £18\, non-members £23. \n  \nGiovanni Gabrieli\nNephew of the great Andrea Gabrieli and student of Orlando Lassus\, Giovanni Gabrieli held the posts of both principal organist and principal composer at the basilica of St Mark’s in Venice. This workshop will look at four pieces from his vast output\, two with sacred texts and two secular. As well as being beautiful music\, it will hopefully be fun to witness the expansion of our ensemble into ever increasing numbers of parts during the day! \n  \nAlison Kinder read Music at Oxford and then studied viol with Alison Crum at Trinity College of Music\, being awarded the college’s Silver Medal for Early Music Studies. Her love is of viols in all shapes and sizes\, from soundpost-less Renaissance instruments to 7-string baroque basses. Alison is an enthusiastic teacher both privately and on courses\, and she runs the Rondo Viol Academy with fellow teacher and player Jacqui Robertson-Wade \n  \nBooking now open – please scroll down URL: LOCATION:Dorridge Village Hall\, Grange Road\, Dorridge\, B93 8QA CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20211204T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20211204T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20210818T191733Z LAST-MODIFIED:20211108T122449Z SUMMARY:Christmas Workshop with Steve Davis DESCRIPTION:Our Christmas Live Workshop will be a joyful day with Steve Davis and this time festive refreshments will be provided. \nThe workshop will explore three works – Gabrieli: In Ecclesiis\, Schütz: Weinachtshistorie and Sweelink: Hodie Christus Natus Est. There will be opportunities for some solo singing and some interesting instrumental playing as well as ensemble work\, with a run through of some of the music at the end of the day. \nWe welcome all voices\, cornets/trumpet\, sackbuts/trombones\, recorders\, viols\, violins and continuo instruments. The pitch will be A440 and the cost for the day is £18 for MEMF and other EMF members\, non – members £23 \n \n  \nTo get to the church you drive along the B4101 from the Knowle direction into Dorridge and under a railway bridge.  There is a Sainsbury’s garage on the left after the bridge and you need to turn right after this onto Manor Road. The church is immediately on the right.  There are plenty of disabled parking places and a few others.  However\, there is a large public car park immediately behind the church. To get to it you turn right immediately after going under the railway bridge and before the Sainsbury’s garage.  This is a station over-spill park which is free at weekends. The signs do not point this out\, but this has been confirmed by Chiltern Railways and the Council. \n \n \nStephen began singing lessons with the late Mary Parsons\, and subsequently went to the Birmingham Conservatoire where he studied singing with Brian Raynor-Cook and conducting with Roy Wales and Jonathan Delmar. After graduating with distinction\, he studied with Jessica Cash\, Pamela Cook\, Andrew King and Ian Partridge. He has been a regular soloist with many of the leading choirs in the Midlands\, most notably Ex Cathedra\, the region’s foremost chamber choir\, and has also sung with the Britten Singers\, Northern Voices\, London Voices\, The Academy of Ancient Music and The Schütz Choir of London.  He is musical director for Halesowen Choral Society\, having been appointed in 2004. He also works as guest conductor for several other choirs in the Midlands.  He has recently retired from teaching singing at Malvern College\, and as music librarian for Ex Cathedra (although remaining a singer with the choir). \nPlease scroll down for the booking form. URL: LOCATION:St Philip’s Church Centre\, Dorridge\, B93 8DX CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20211023T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20211024T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20210627T182614Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210920T182844Z SUMMARY:Welcome to Beautiful Venice - with Philip Thorby DESCRIPTION:Philip will introduce us to a feast of music showing Venice at her most extravagant and sumptuous best in order to welcome royal and distinguished guests.  In 1574 King Henri III of France visited the Serenissima and Andrea Gabrieli wrote the 10 part “Ecco Vinegia Bella” for the occasion. The King attended services in San Marco and we will represent this with Andrea Gabrieli’s sumptuous 16 part Gloria and Claudio Merulo’s setting of the Te Deum verse “Salvum Fac Populum”. Andrea also composed “Dal Gran Tuonante” for a distinguished lady visitor. \nIn this 2 day workshop we will also enjoy Giovanni Gabrieli’s 12 part motet “Virtute Magna” in honour of St Mark and “Udite\, Chiari” to celebrate the Sposalizio\, the annual ceremony when the Doge marries Venice to the sea. \nPhilip Thorby is a specialist in music of the Italian Renaissance\, particularly Venetian. Formerly a Professor at Trinity College\, Philip has become one of the most popular of workshop tutors. His four Zoom lectures on the music of Venice earlier this year were stunning and widely acclaimed. They can be viewed on another page of this website. \nThis workshop is for all voices\, cornets\, sackbuts\, curtals\, recorders\, viols\, violins and continuo instruments. The pitch will be 440. \nBooking now open – please scroll down for the booking form. URL: LOCATION:Solihull School CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20210322T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20210322T203000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20210222T145759Z LAST-MODIFIED:20210310T130216Z SUMMARY:Renaissance Recycling: an instrumental workshop (singers welcome) with Alison Kinder DESCRIPTION:Reusing old material is not a new concept – Renaissance composers did it all the time\, sometimes with their own material and sometimes with someone else’s. We’ll look at two such examples in this workshop\, in both cases a kind of ‘upcycling’ from a short initial motet or chanson into an entire mass. \nThe first is a composer reworking his own material: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s beautiful 6-voice motet Tu Es Petrus is then gloriously expanded into a mass\, not once\, but twice! The first Missa Tu Es Petrus is also for 6 voices\, but then he gets a bit carried away and does a setting for 18 voices in three choirs\, still based on the same material. We’ll do the motet and a movement from the 6-voice mass\, and if we’re feeling very brave then maybe the Kyrie of the three choir version…! The second example is where one composer borrows a piece by someone else. At that time it was thought of as a compliment – today we’d call it plagiarism! The original piece is the beautiful 4-part chanson by Josquin\, Mille Regretz\, and the recycling is done by Cristobal de Morales\, who uses it as the basis for a 6-voice mass setting. \nAlison Kinder read Music at Oxford and then studied viol with Alison Crum at Trinity College of Music\, being awarded the college’s Silver Medal for Early Music Studies. Her love is of viols in all shapes and sizes\, from soundpost-less Renaissance instruments to 7-string baroque basses. Alison is an enthusiastic teacher both privately and on courses\, and she runs the Rondo Viol Academy with fellow teacher and player Jacqui Robertson-Wade. \nPlease book below: URL: LOCATION:Zoom CATEGORIES:brass,Loud wind,Online,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200613T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200613T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20200124T175452Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200604T173016Z SUMMARY:Handel: Judas Maccabeus - postponed to 2021 DESCRIPTION:Workshop for Voices and Instruments with Tutor Justin Doyle + AGM. \nInformation and booking details available end of March URL: LOCATION:Knowle Village Hall\, St John’s Close\, Knowle\, Solihull\, B93 0NN\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A415,brass,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20200321T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20200321T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20190908T195209Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200317T171000Z SUMMARY:Johann Rosenmüller DESCRIPTION:Workshop for voices and Baroque instruments (A=415) with William Carslake. \nFollowing his early career in Leipzig\, Rosenmüller spent over twenty years in Venice where he was Maestro di Coro at the Ospedale della Pieta (like Vivaldi after him). At the end of his career he returned to Germany and settled in Wolfenbuttel. There is a fine blend of Italian and German styles in these appealing and approachable pieces of sacred music which show the influence of both Corelli and Schütz. Before emigrating to Italy in the late 1650s Rosenmüller had already been there briefly in 1645/46 and the trip had a decisive influence on his style. This can be heard in his two famous collections of 1648 and1652/3\,the Kern -Spruche (Core Sayings) and Andere Kern Spruchen (Other Core Sayings )The word painting is evocative and the sudden turns of harmony can take you\nby surprise! If you don’t yet know him you’re in for a treat. \nRepertoire: Rosenmüller\, Siehe an die Werke Gottes\nRosenmüller\, Lauda Jerusalem\nRosenmüller\, Also hat Gott\nRosenmüller\, Magnificat \nInstruments: One harpsichord and one chamber organ (or electronic organ) at A415 or two harpsichords at A415.\nOne or two theorbos. All keyboard and theorbo players need to be comfortable reading figured bass.\nStrings with baroque set ups\, or modern instruments with gut strings and baroque bows:\n violins; violas or tenor/bass viols; baroque cellos\nSackbuts\, cornets\, curtals and recorders are welcome. \nTutor\nWilliam is Artistic Director of Farnborough Symphony Orchestra\nand Imperial College Sinfonietta and was Music Director for the Royal Ballet’s Elizabeth in\n2018 and 2016. He is passionate about Renaissance and Baroque music and directs\nprogrammes for EMF forums\, Lacock Choral Courses and Benslow Music. (more on the leaflet available below) URL: LOCATION:Coton Centre\, Tamworth\, Church Comberford Road\, Tamworth\, B79 9AA\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A415,brass,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20191214T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20191214T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20190411T205233Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190908T145643Z SUMMARY:Michael Praetorius: Motets from Polyhymnia Caduceatrix et Panegyrica DESCRIPTION:Workshop for voices and instruments (A=440) with Tutor David Hatcher in Selly Oak. \nIn 1619\, Two years before his death\, Praetorius published the Polyhymnia Caduceatrix et Panegyrica – 40 choral concerts or motets in the Italian style\, modelled on works by Giovanni Gabrieli and Monteverdi. The basis of these works was Protestant hymns with instruments supporting the groups of singers. In this new style the instruments\, with a basso continuo (consisting of organ\, lute\, theorbo\, etc)\, became more important – adding interludes and symphonies. These “concerts composed in many kinds and manners” were performed at various gatherings and “filled with all sorts of musical instruments and human voices\, including trumpets and army timpani; with voices in 2 to 6 choirs”. \nDavid Hatcher is well known to many of us from previous workshops and courses and is in great demand as a tutor. He is an exceptional performer on a wide range of early instruments and has played and recorded with numerous period ensembles both in this country and abroad. URL: LOCATION:Selly Oak Methodist Church Hall\, Langleys Road\, Birmingham\, B29 6HT\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Recorders,Strings,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190914T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190914T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20190411T204051Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190707T120625Z SUMMARY:Baroque String Workshop DESCRIPTION:A Workshop of Baroque Music for strings (A=415) with Tutor Julia Bishop. \nMusic to be studied:\nJS Bach: Orchestral Suite no.4 in D major (with wind parts played by strings) \nJohn Stanley: Concerto Grosso op2 no3 – concertos for strings in 7 parts \nVivaldi: L’Estro Armonico – Concerto in B minor for 4 violins URL: LOCATION:Knowle Village Hall\, St John’s Close\, Knowle\, Solihull\, B93 0NN\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A415,Strings END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190713T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190713T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20190404T145022Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190410T111101Z SUMMARY:The Delights of Summer DESCRIPTION:A workshop with Tutor Alison Kinder for all voices and instruments enjoying the delights of Summer. A time when The Leaves be Green\, Fair Phyliss is to be found feeding her flock\, nymphs and shepherds are courting and dancing\, and All Creatures Now Are Merry Minded. We’ll have a predominantly English day\, with composers including Wilbye\, Farmer\, Bennett and Morley. Such as John Bennett’s ‘All Creatures Now’ (5-part)\, and the Morley ‘Hard By A Crystal Fountain’ (6-part)\, and Farmer ‘Ye Blessed Bowers’ (8-part). \nWe welcome all voices\, strings (viols and violin family)\, recorders\, brass\, housetrained double reeds and wind caps (it would be wise to have a quieter alternative instrument or voice with you too for the daintier nymph and shepherd moments…!) \nFind the details in the leaflet below. URL: LOCATION:St George’s Church\, Rugby\, St.John's Avenue\, Hillmorton\, Rugby\, CV22 5HR\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190511T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190512T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20181201T212943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190222T120947Z SUMMARY:Missa Diligam te Domine a12 by Valentini DESCRIPTION:We welcome back Philip Thorby for this two day Workshop for voices and Instruments. He has again uncovered a masterpiece for us with the Missa Diligam te Domine a 12 by Giovanni Valentini. Published in Venice in 1621\, this is a spectacular composition which in many ways reminds us of Monteverdi and Gabrieli\, but also has its own special qualities. \nValentini was an Italian composer\, poet and keyboard virtuoso overshadowed in history by his contemporaries Monteverdi and Sch?tz and his compositions are now unjustifiably neglected. He was probably born in Venice and was reported to have been a pupil of Giovanni Gabrieli. \nFor this workshop we will need many voices and a variety of instruments for doubling or replacing vocal parts. These can include cornets\, sackbuts\, curtals\, recorders\, viols and continuo\, including lutes. \nPlease download the leaflet for more details and the timetable for the day. URL: LOCATION:Solihull School CATEGORIES:A440,brass,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190316T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190316T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20181201T211333Z LAST-MODIFIED:20181204T151719Z SUMMARY:Purcell: The Fairy Queen DESCRIPTION:The Fairy Queen\, composed by Henry Purcell in 1692\, is written in the form most popular with the audiences of the day – a play with substantial incidental music\, with each of its five acts completed with an extended masque: a Restoration spectacular – following the huge success of Dioclesian and King Arthur. The libretto is an anonymous adaption of Shakespeare’s wedding comedy – A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Purcell did not set any of Shakespeare’s text to music; music was to be played as the audience took their seats and also to be played between the acts. The music for short masques in nearly every act\, presented by Titania and Oberon\, is subtly related to the action in the play and makes reference to King William and Queen Mary.\nAs in King Arthur the principal characters do not sing\, unless they are supernatural\, pastoral or drunk! Secondary characters sing to them\, usually as entertainment\, or as supernatural beings.\nWe shall need plenty of singers. There may be a chance to include some of the short solos and ensembles\, especially where they lead straight in to a chorus. At the moment we cannot be more specific but if you are interested please contact Sheila Koch the organiser\,saying whether you sing Soprano 1\, Soprano 2\, Alto or Counter Tenor\, Tenor\, Bass. \nThe orchestration is for 2 recorders\, 2 oboes\, 2 trumpets\, timpani\, strings and continuo. Pitch will be A-415. \nJohn Hancorn \nJohn Hancorn is music director of various choral groups in the Sussex area and has directed performances of Bach\, Monteverdi and Purcell\, among others\, for the Brighton Early Music Festival. John leads vocal workshops and masterclasses specialising in baroque repertoire\, including regular visits to Early Music Fora and ‘Sing and Discover’ days with Richard Wigmore throughout the UK. He teaches at Trinity Laban College of Music\, the University of Chichester\, East Sussex Academy of Music and Lancing College. He directed chamber choir courses at Dartington for many years and is a tutor at AIMS International Music School. John was a popular tutor for Purcell’s King Arthur in 2017. URL: LOCATION:Selly Oak Methodist Church Hall\, Langleys Road\, Birmingham\, B29 6HT\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A415,brass,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices,woodwind END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181201T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181201T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20180620T135221Z LAST-MODIFIED:20181112T230807Z SUMMARY:In Dulci Jubilo - Seasonal music by Praetorius DESCRIPTION:Workshop for voices and all instruments exploring Christmas motets by Michael Praetorius\, tutored by Steven Devine URL: LOCATION:West Orchard United Reformed Church\, 83 Baginton Road\,Styvechale\, Coventry\, CV3 6FP\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A440,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Viols,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20181013T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20181013T170000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20180630T114924Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180923T145836Z SUMMARY:Laetatus Sum - Music of the Italian Renaissance DESCRIPTION:Workshop for voices and instruments @ pitch A440 with Philip Thorby. A buffet lunch will be provided at this specially chosen workshop in recognition of Mike Ashley’s long service on the MEMF committee. URL: LOCATION:St.Faith & St.Laurence Church\, Balden Road\, Harborne\, Birmingham\, B32 2EL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A440,Loud wind,Recorders,Strings,Voices END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180609T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180609T160000 DTSTAMP:20240505T023026 CREATED:20180519T120136Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180520T184830Z SUMMARY:Italian Concertos DESCRIPTION:Workshop for strings @ pitch A415 \nWe shall concentrate on ‘Concerti a Quattro’ for tutti strings by Vivaldi (including one of his Paris Concertos) and his predecessors and contemporaries including Torelli and Albinoni. \nTutor\nTheresa Caudle began her career on the cornett but then became increasingly active as a baroque violinist\, playing with many of the leading period instrument ensembles in this country\, including as a principal member of The Parley of Instruments for many years. She directs her own ensemble\, Canzona\, and regularly leads other ensembles such as The Hanover Band. Theresa is Artistic Director of Baroque Week in Caversham and a tutor on several Baroque music courses including those at Jackdaws and Benslow. Her solo CD of 17th century Italian sonatas\, “Violino o Cornetto” is on the Nimbus Alliance label. \nCost and booking\nMembers of MEMF or other EMF £22\, Non- members £26\, Students Free \nString workshop details with booking form URL: LOCATION:Knowle Village Hall\, St John’s Close\, Knowle\, Solihull\, B93 0NN\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:A415,Strings END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR